Rails ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor
Table of Contents
啟動 Rails Server 時,如果沒有 config/master.key
,或是 config/master.key
無法解密 config/credentials.yml.enc
,就會出現 ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor
為 Production 環境準備一個 config/master.key
跟 config/credentials.yml.enc
在 Rails 6 之後,可以依據環境變數產生並套用不同的 credentials
Rails credentials ¶
執行指令查看 rails credentials 相關說明
rails credentials:help
=== Environment Specific Credentials
The `credentials` command supports passing an `--environment` option to create an
environment specific override. That override will take precedence over the
global `config/credentials.yml.enc` file when running in that environment. So:
bin/rails credentials:edit --environment development
will create `config/credentials/development.yml.enc` with the corresponding
encryption key in `config/credentials/development.key` if the credentials file
doesn't exist.
The encryption key can also be put in `ENV["RAILS_MASTER_KEY"]`, which takes
precedence over the file encryption key.
In addition to that, the default credentials lookup paths can be overridden through
`config.credentials.content_path` and `config.credentials.key_path`.
新增/編輯 credentials ¶
建立給 production environment 用的 credentials
rails credentials:edit --environment production
credentials 與 key 放在 config/credentials
記得在 .gitignore
中新增規則排除 key
查看 credentials ¶
rails credentials:show --environment production
使用 credentials ¶
在 Rails 程式中,我們可以這樣使用 credentials
# 取得全部 config hash
#=> {:aws=>{:access_key_id=>"123", :secret_access_key=>"456"}}
# 只取部分值
#=> "123"
使用環境變數 ¶
我們也可以將 Master key 設為環境變數而不儲存在檔案中,以 Heroku 為例:
heroku config:set RAILS_MASTER_KEY=`cat config/credentials/production.key`
這樣就不用把 key 上傳 git,或是想辦法塞入檔案了